Friday, September 28, 2007

Marketing Pond

Marketing Pond is basically a free downline builder that lets you promote many different programs at once. Marketing Pond can help you save time by promoting all your affiliate links at once.

After you signup at Marketing Pond, you will be able to enter your referral IDs in the programs list. If you are not a member of that particular program, you can join by clicking it's title. The referral IDs you enter will be automatically shown to your Marketing Pond downline in their programs list. If they decide join one, they will be joining under you (provided you entered your referral ID). That's why it's wise to signup for as many listed programs as possible.


Anonymous said...

Ok,this is Alok,who gave you answer at yahoo answers.
CAn see u are associated with lot many money making systems,,but not google,,why..
I have already tried all these systems,and now came to realise after six months with google that it can b a serious business,for lifetime.GEt more knowledge here,
Get Started

Anonymous said...

And also use for tracking visitors on ur site,see u